We have a extensive list of costume categories. Below are some of our most popular costumes however we have much more in store. If you're after a costume not listed please drop in or call Melinda or Adrianne on 0417 500 269 to find out if we have your costume in store.
1980's to 1990's
1920's to 1950's
1960's to 1970's
Animal, Circus & Novelty Costumes
Burlesque & Showgirl
Cartoons, Fairytales & Storybook
Cowboys, Indians & Wildwest
Heros & Villains, Saints & Sinners
Medieval & Historical
Oktoberfest / International
Medieval & Historical
Pirates & Wenches
TV Shows, Movies & Celebrities
Uniforms, Sports & Occupations
Plus Sizes
Hired items remain the property of Fancy Francis Costume Hire. $20 bond is to cover minor damage or lost items and returning on time only. Any significant damage/loss or total loss of costume will be billed for replacement value. Excessive late return will be billed for loss of hire at hired rate/week and are required to be PAID IN FULL or be placed into a collection service with fees/costs added. In giving your name and address and phone number you agree to these terms. Thank you.